What is the currency in Turkey?

The currency in Turkey is Turkish Lira. Check the current exchange rate at the official government site.

What voltage do you use in Turkey?

The electricity voltage in Turkey is at 220 volts like Europe. Adaptors are available at the hotel upon request.

What is the VAT refund system in Turkey?

Tourists are able to claim back the VAT on larger purchases when they exit the country. Most department stores provide the necessary forms for completion and will assist you.

Is it safe to drink tap water?

The tap water in Turkey is not potable. Drinking water is provided in all guest room minibars.

What is the weather like at different times of the year?

As a general guideline, the weather in Turkey is a little warmer than Western Europe all year round. However, the weather is generally most pleasant from April to October when there are clear skies and sunshine. The hot season is from July and August, when temperatures reach their highest.